Local Business Services:
- Energy Efficiency, Productivity & Greenhouse Gas Assessments - identify waste reduction and efficiency opportunities as well as options to reduce climate change risks and Greenhouse Gas (GHGs). This consulting service targets cost savings and proposes opportunities for business productivity optimization, GHG reduction and solar siting. Your business will benefit from an efficiency assessment in energy savings, waste reduction, increased productivity and continuous improvement options. Benchmarking compares your facilities to similar businesses. We provide energy efficiency options to save money.
- Optional assessments of your opportunities and risks:
- Physical assets (facilities, equipment)
- Supply chain (including carbon impact)
- Transition cost (of energy from fossil fuels to clean energy)
- Personnel (energy waste, heatwave impacts)
- Customers (value of your efforts to address crisis)
- Costs (exposure to fuel volatility, carbon pricing)
- Transportation/Fleet (potential to use Electric Vehicles)
- Business resiliency & continuity (severe weather impacts)
- Product development (product and process insights)
- An H-ER incentive option for clients and a means to measure effectiveness and GHG reductions is the 80/20 payment plan. Clients may pay 80% initially and pay the balance 1 year later and report on the recommendations employed including energy use savings.
Watch “Energy Efficiency Work Provides Big Returns for Local Landlord”; this case study explores energy efficiency and resiliency work at an 11 unit apartment building in Swanzey, NH. Produced and Directed by Monadnock Sustainability Hub Director John Kondos.
Consulting Services:
- Clean Transportation – EV charging (EVSE) development, fleet electrification and Drive E event organization.
Watch “Drive Clean Drive Electric”; featuring several EV owners who gathered in Hancock, NH to share their EV experiences.
Produced and Directed by Monadnock Sustainability Hub, Director John Kondos.
- Clean energy - solar site assessments, community supported solar development, project management and support.
- Solutions to the Climate Crisis- from practical steps locally to policies; the focus is on effective, efficient and equitable solutions to reduce increasing temperatures.
Climate Crisis solutions includes workshops and presentations including the En-ROADs climate solutions simulator. An introduction to En-Roads starts at 12:25 in the “Is Net Zero by 2050 Possible” event HERE