The scale of the climate crisis demands multipliers - programs that maximize solutions. For example, the Clean Energy Entrepreneurs Collaborative (CEEC) is a network committed to efficiency, clean energy and sustainability. It also targets the need for many more folks working in clean energy to keep the earth cool.
The two key elements of the CEEC are:
Community Supported Solar at Sun Moon Farm in Rindge, NH1. Clean Energy Businesses, Professionals & Organizations
By building a network of clean energy entrepreneurs and businesses to supplement Home-Efficiency Resources’ expertise the benefits to our client’s are maximized. To excel at the services offered, Home-Efficiency Resources (H-ER) utilizes a network of collaborators with expertise in: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC); Photovoltaics; Electric Vehicles (EVs) & EVSE (EV Charging); general and industry-specific business efficiency, etc. which compliments and increases the value provided to clients. This network shares expertise and referrals to expand clean business opportunities and reduce greenhouse gasses.
2. Students as interns and apprentices looking for a career with abundant opportunities to grow and be fulfilled
The second element of the Clean Energy Entrepreneurs Collaborative is mentoring students as interns and apprentices to address the need for many more folks working to keep earth cool. This collaborative mentorship model provides ambitious, talented individuals interested in clean energy with work opportunities. This laboratory for change will support learning and will contribute to the clean energy revolution. The ultimate objective is to inspire prospective Clean Energy Entrepreneurs to explore, study and innovate, in order to invent and pursue real solutions to the climate crisis.